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Sci-Fi with a Slant – Blind Gambit by Jon Cronshaw #SciFi #Speculative #BookFair #Adaptive

Sci-Fi with a Slant - Blind Gambit by Jon Cronshaw #SciFi #Speculative #BookFair

Though Blind Gambit is a fun sci-fi tale in the vein of Ready Player One, it’s primarily about disability.

As a writer who has only five percent vision left in my good eye, I wanted to write something to capture the experience of living with a disability.

I’ve read a lot of book featuring blind characters (rarely protagonists), and I’ve yet to come across a blind character who feels real.

So, I decided to mash together a love letter to gaming (something I can no longer do), with a story and main character I hope will resonate as true without being preachy, especially to other readers living with disabilities.

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This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include cyberpunk, dystopian, fantasy, young adult, hard scifi, military, paranormal, post-apocalyptic, robots, sci-fi romance, soft scifi, space opera, technothrillers, time travel, urban fantasy, and more.

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