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Read the Reijorling in the Sinister Delites series by Leona Windwalker @ShroudedDancer #MMRomance #OmegaVerse

Read the Reijorling in the Sinister Delites series by Leona Windwalker @ShroudedDancer #MMromance #Omegaverse

The Reijorling byΒ Leona Windwalker

I've lived my entire life on Kleptha IV, on my family's elmgern ranch.

With my davatir away serving the Empire, I will have no one to preside over my Year of Seeking.

When the raids begin, it becomes obvious that war is on the horizon. My only parent is recalled to active duty, to fly one of the great warships of the Kordolian Empire.

I'm twenty-three and like my age-peers, the next year should have been filled with chaperoned parties, short-term internships, and social introductions, called the Year of Seeking. At the end, my twenty-fourth natal day party would have seen two announcements.

One, which of the internships piqued my interest enough for me to pursue it as my specialty.

The second, a betrothal to a social and, hopefully, romantic match.

The Reijorling is a sci fi m/m omegaverse tale based on the classic tale, A Little Princess. Grim and Sinister Delights is a dark romance series based on classic fairy tales and stories.

You will find standalone tales of gay romance that range in darkness and kinks. If you dare to take the challenge, read them all to find yourself lost in a classic that you think you know. These stories are for adult readers and may contain morally ambiguous themes.