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Check out the book fair for #QuaranCon @QuaranCon2020 a free, all-day online comics convention #SciFi #Cosplay #BookFair

Check out the book fair for #QuaranCon a free, all-day online comics convention #SciFi #Cosplay

A bundle of high-caliber authors for lovers of sci-fi and fantasy. All books are at a sale price.

This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include:, cyberpunk, dystopian, fantasy, hard scifi, military, paranormal, post-apocalyptic, robots, romance, soft scifi, space opera, technothrillers, time travel, urban fantasy, and more.

Join us! Special Price Book Event


The next QuaranCon, a free, all-day online comics convention, happens April 8-12, 2021.

QuaranCon is a fantasy convention organized by Virginia McClain and a handful of volunteers who wanted to put on a virtual convention that would be free to all involved. So many IRL conventions this year have already been canceled, and many more will likely follow suit before the year is out. This makes us sad. So we decided to put together a convention that everyone could attend from the safety of their own living room.

The con is small and is meant to be inclusive, welcoming, and fun! We're still working on our site, but please check back here to find more details about all our fun events (panels, workshops, readings, AMAs, and contests) coming soon! Our whole staff are volunteers, and we all have other jobs, so please bear with us as we try to get things organized as quickly as we can.

Stay safe out there people! (And stay the f*@$ home if you can.)

Check out the book fair for #QuaranCon a free, all-day online comics convention #SciFi #Cosplay