My will is absolute.
In this scene from Origin of Pietas, Six and Pietas are crossing the planet, searching for the other immortals. After cleaning gear and laying out what little clothing they own to dry, they sit on a grassy area side by side. Pietas asks if Six wants to return to his homeworld.
"Not really. I don't want to go back, except to see family. I have nothing there. All my life, all I've ever known is war. I enlisted at seventeen. Thirty-eight now. Too old to fight. Tired of it."
"Too old? I'm almost two thousand. Try another excuse."
"Best I got. Thirty-eight's old, in my book."
"I've been thirty-eight a few times. Most lives I'm dead by then."
Six's attention snapped back to Pietas. "What?"
"I'm a warrior. I don't live to see forty. Hazards of the profession." He picked a yellow wildflower and twirled it between his fingers.
"How many times have you died?"
Pietas tossed the flower aside. "I've lost count. Felt like a thousand times in that pod." He shuddered.
"If it would get you off this planet, would you get in the pod?"
"Six, I will never do that again, but if we get stuck here, ask me in a few thousand years. Might be a different story then. I think I'd go crazy if all I had to do every day was hunt and fish, eat and sleep." He tossed himself back on the grass and tucked his hands behind his head. The bright blue sky held wisps of clouds, moving on the wind. "I miss entertainment more sophisticated than deciding what shapes the clouds are taking."
Chuckling, Six stretched out beside him. "I hear you. I miss women."
"So do I. And men, too."
"You weren't kidding about having sex with whoever cut your hair in that ritual?"
Pietas gave a short laugh. "That was a joke, ghost. I was-- How do you say it? Messing with you."
"Get out!" He shoved Pietas's shoulder. "Okay, so you're not bisexual."
"I'm pansexual. Most Ultras are. When you live forever you get bored with the same thing every day. At least I do."
"Pansexual. What? Someone with a pulse?"
"I'm a bit more discriminating than that, thank you. But I'm open-minded. I appreciate sexual activities of various kinds. Ultras can never become pregnant or sire children--except for my parents--impart or contract sexually transmitted diseases. For us, sex is pure pleasure. One we never grow immune to, the way we do drugs and alcohol."
"So you didn't grow up being slapped down for experimenting?"
Pietas coughed. "I wouldn't say that, but my people are born adults and we're far less restrictive than humans. According to my friends, I'm less picky about lovers than I am about food. Sex is one of the few times I don't feel the need to be in charge. I like equality in a lover. Someone who can be as strong as I am." He let out a long, sighing breath. "The longer I live, the less of those there are."
The Ritual of Strength series Video: Ritual of Strength performed by Nik Nitsvetov I am powerful, as fire is powerful. I own the wind. I prevail over the breath of my enemies. Water submits to my presence the way enemies submit to my will. My enemies trickle into the pool of time. My body submits to my will. No fear touches me. My will is absolute. I prevail over every circumstance. I face every foe. (+Origin of the Ritual) I vanquish every enemy. I overcome. I am indomitable. Β I am invincible.
My thanks to the performer, Nik Nitsvetov, and photographer Belyaeva Yuliya
Bringer of Chaos
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