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Exclusive for those who have completed the Immortal Journey.

Congratulations! You are a new immortal...

Now what do you do?

If you choose to share your new status with the world, you may accept the challenge coin below, in a size that suits you. Scroll down for instructions.

How the Sempervians Use Challenge Coins

Only two methods of proving your immortality are 100% fool proof.
1. You die and come back to life. Painful all the way around.
2. You have triefan handy. Triefan nectar can instantly heal immortals. The plant originated on Sempervia but is now grown on almost any world where immortals dwell.

But a socially accepted way of proving your immortality (assuming you don't have healing nectar handy and you aren't willing to die) is to show a challenge coin when asked.

The universally accepted coin is a silver token from the planet Stachion, stamped with the head of Pietas, his name, and the word Qarth. The Qarth Mountains bordering the countries of Qarth and Kellindahr is where Pietas first met the ice dragon Stormsinger. A true challenge coin is stamped on the reverse side with the head of the beautiful beast.

For modern purposes, virtual challenge coins are accepted. However, be prepared to explain the circumstances surrounding your appropriation of the coin.

To all who have earned this coin: we greet you in the name of Pietas, our rightful king, and welcome you to the kingdom.


Choose the size coin you wish to share.

Copy the text beneath the coin.

Paste it in the sidebar of your website or blog, or share it on social media.

Pinterest users may link directly to the image with the Pinterest pin it app or other social sharing tool.

200 Pixels

Pietas Challenge Coin

<p><strong>I am an Immortal in Kayelle Allen's story universe.</strong><br /><br /><a href=''><img src='' alt='Pietas Challenge Coin' width='200' border='0' /></a></p>

300 Pixels

Pietas Challenge Coin

<p><strong>I am an Immortal in Kayelle Allen's story universe.</strong><br /><br /><a href=''><img src='' alt='Pietas Challenge Coin' width='300' border='0' /></a></p>

450 Pixels

Pietas Challenge Coin

Copy and paste the text below

<p><strong>I am an Immortal in Kayelle Allen's story universe.</strong><br /><br /><a href=''><img src='' alt='Pietas Challenge Coin' width='450' border='0' /></a></p>