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Tag: Tarthian Tour Company

Fictional company offering luxury tours in the Tarthian Empire, viewable on the Kayelle Allen site as a click-through visual tour

Go on a fun worldbuilding tour and visit the Nizamrak Building #SciFi #MFRWhooks #SciFiArt

Tarth City and the Nizamrak Building - found in multiple books
The icons on the right (partly covering the Nizamrak Building) show all the series in which this building plays a part.

I named the Nizamrak Building after my friend and mentor, the late author Barbara Karmazin. Nizamrak is Karmazin backward. BK, as she was affectionately known, loved the idea of having a site named after her. When my son Jamin created a print of the building, she was delighted.

It was always in my mind that the letters in Nizamrak were an acrostic, but I didn't know what they represented. When I wrote A Stolen Heart, I learned the meaning. A group of toddlers in a day care had been killed in "friendly fire" and Luc ( or "Cyr" as he was known in that life) was responsible. He never got over finding their tiny bodies, nor did he forgive himself. How could such a thing happen? You'll have to read A Stolen Heart to find out, but this incident had far reaching consequences and changed the course of many lives. The children's names were Nazeeya, Ida, Zahir, Addison, Makenna, Rayner, Amris, and Keagan. This is not the only thing to bear some aspect of their names, and because their deaths occurred over twelve thousand years ago, there is no telling how many ways the names have been used. But no matter what Luc does to honor them, he cannot free himself of the guilt he feels.

Locations insideย the Nizamrak

    • Parking, Transportation, Tube Train - Underground (fifteen floors)
    • Bank of Tarth - Suite 100 (ground) - 800
    • Non-Lucsondis-owned businesses, medical facilities, storage, employee housing, daycare, etc. - Suite 900-4000
    • For Women Only - Suite 4100 - 5000
    • Lucsondis Entertainment - Suite 5100 - 6000
    • idBot - Suite 6100 - 7000
    • CyberEgo - Suite 7100 - 8000
    • Lucsondis Enterprises - Suite 19100 - 19900
    • Unoccupied (on purpose) - Suite 20000
    • Penthouse "The Loft" - Suite 20100 - 20300

Tradestandard labor laws require employers to provide living quarters to employees near the place where they work. Exceptions are available (for example, in Her Crystal Clear Truth, Shohn Lexius lives elsewhere yet has her office in the Nizamrak Building. Luc Saint-Cyr's penthouse is the Building's top three floors.

The two-hundredth floor (Suite 20000) is vacant by design to provide privacy and security for the Loft. The Loft (Luc Saint-Cyr's penthouse) supports a full parking deck for his fleet of cars, and an entertainment facility. The penthouse occupies the top three floors. Private living and sleeping quarters take up most of the top floor, and provide space for the rooftop pool. The rooftop also has weather and privacy shielding.

Because of its design and height, the Nizamrak Building is equipped with anti-terrorism devices and the highest security idBot can provide. Repulsor technology prevents aircraft from approaching, eliminating the need for traditional blinking lights required on tall buildings. Failsafes turn on the lights in case of power failures or emergencies.

Discrete express elevators run to the penthouse, including one solely for vehicles and delivery. A separate, stacked elevator system transports passengers rapidly to various sections of the building. An industrial elevator system handles delivery. Private parking for those qualified is housed underground. The Tube (the Tarth City tube train) makes scheduled stops. The Nizamrak Building is one of the few tall buildings into which the tube is not permitted to run. All transportation (except Luc Saint-Cyr's private fleet) is underground. This gives the black-glass fronted building a sleek appearance. It is wider at the base than at the top.

More information is available in the Tarthian Empire Companion.

Image below courtesy of ย Jamin Allen

Visiting Tarth?

Should you visit the Tarthian Empire be sure to stop in and say hello to the employees at Lucsondis Enterprises. I'm sure they'd be glad to see you. Here's the full address.

Lucsondis Enterprises Corporate Headquarters
Nizamrak Building, Suite 19800
100225 Destine Pietan Plaza
Tarth City, Di Lusso DistrictTarth, Tarthian Empire

As you can see, I am highly detailed when it comes to worldbuilding. It's one of my favorite things to do.

Fun worldbuilding - Tour the Nizamrak Building

Antonello Brothers: Immortal

Antonello Brothers: Immortal - Because Romance Lives Forever

Series page:

#SciFi #WriteLGBTQ #MMRomance

Surrender Love: Antonello Brothers: Immortal #SciFi #MMromance

Forever Love: Antonello Brothers Immortal #SciFi #MMromance #WriteLGBTQ

Antonello Brothers: Immortal series by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MMRomance

A cuddly cinnamon roll hero who purrs, and an alpha male who has met his emotional match, this #MMRomance #SciFi

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Colonize the Galaxy 1 book at a time #Astronomy #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Colonize the Galaxy 1 book at a time #Astronomy #SciFi

A depiction of the Milkyy Way c. 15127 AD as seen in books by Kayelle Allen

Colonize the Galaxy

When I decided to write Science Fiction, I first did some serious, long-term worldbuilding. I created a future history, designed a language, set up a dating system to show how the various colonies interpreted time, and laid out a plan whereby mankind would inhabit and colonize the stars. I started doing this when I was 27, about 40 years ago.

My initial sketch was on sheets of paper taped together, because it kept getting bigger as I added details. If you're going to colonize the galaxy on paper, you need a lot of room!


Then about 14 years ago, when my son was taking graphic design in college, I asked him to create a galaxy for me to work with in Photoshop. He designed the background, and I then added the details.

To be honest, I always thought scientists and astronomers would have a giggle when they saw it. I'd populated the entire thing in huge sweeps, like an outreaching arm. I figured there were probably far too many worlds in my version, but it was my story, so I decided to go with it.

This year, a press release from the European Space Agency (ESA) announced they had entered the GTOC X competition, using data about reaching 100k star systems in an efficient way. The team provided a video online.

Imagine my surprise when I looked at it next to my own galaxy drawing.

In my story universe, in the upper right corner of the map, I have the Dark Star Realm. On the far right (unmapped on mine), it says Worlds of Wings. Humans aren't allowed there, so no one knows how many inhabited worlds exist in that area. The Tarthian Empire exists in a small area to the center left near the bottom. The ESA team closely matched my fictional conjectures.

Stop the video at the :57 mark to see the image captured at the top of the page.

To download my galaxy map in full resolution, visit the Tarthian Tour Company home page. The map is shown at the bottom and when you click it, it opens full size. You can then download or click again to zoom. Warning: large document -- you might have a wait time.

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.