Meet a cowboy, a sheriff, and a hockey player. Changes Coming Down by Kaje Harper #MMReads #MMRomance πŸŒˆπŸ’

For a cowboy, a sheriff, and a hockey player, coming out isn't easy.

For three gay men in love, opening the closet door could be a risky move.

Sheriff Casey Barlow has a slick, media-savvy challenger out to beat him in the upcoming election for sheriff. Coming out now, let alone revealing his relationship with two men, could sink any hope of keeping his badge.

Scott Edison has a real shot at the NHL. He's playing the best hockey of his life. As a rookie working his ass off to be called up, he can't afford to make waves.

Will Rice always figured he'd live alone, managing Graham and Annmarie Slater's cattle ranch, but a hot, young hockey player and a compact, muscled lawman rearranged his plans. He isn't sure he ever wants the Slaters to know that about him, though. Life's good the way things are.

Then Graham and Annmarie are killed in a hit and run that may not be an accident. As Will grieves, and Casey investigates, the coming changes will shake all their lives.

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