New #SF for you - Terminal Feed a #SciFi #Cyberpunk #TechnoThriller by ML McIntosh #BookFair

There's a killer in the stream...

A cyberpunk detective story in space

Life in the asteroid belt is dominated by OnBoard- a neuroimplant that streams everything in real time to a universal social media network. OnBoard algorithms dictate what is seen and what is deemed "sensitive." The algorithm fails, however, when three young people activate asteroid crushers and walk into the machines while streaming. It looks like a suicide pact except for a strange data upload moments before each victim "logs off." Detective Victor Yasserian is the only person in the asteroid belt with no OnBoard neuroimplant to filter his perception. He's the only one who can enter the final victim's terminal feed and find out what really happened. But anything can happen in a corrupted feed, and Victor might just become the next victim.

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