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Tarthian Tour Company Top Stops
Rated G
A Members Only Perk
In Top Stops, you'll discover secrets about the Tarthian Empire, such as which planets have mysterious ruins, and do they point to visitation by aliens, or settlement by common ancestors?
Explore the powerful Thieves' Guild and take a ride to Sanity IV -- a planet torn apart, harvested to build new worlds. Which building is the tallest in the empire and who owns it? Find out why jumping into space makes everything black and white -- for a moment. How tiny would you look standing in the courtyard of the Conqueror's Palace? All roads lead to Tarth, the Empire's capitol and shining star... plus much more.
Whether you love seeing the background of how science fiction worlds are built, or just enjoy a fun read set on different planets, Tarthian Tour Company Top Stops is for you. (Exclusive version for members only.)
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