In this scene, Luc meets the members of a rock band managed by one of the companies he owns, and when he first meets and shakes hands with the drummer, a Kin, things change. The Kin are a catlike race, human overall, but with distinguishing feline characteristics.
Well, hello there... Excerpt from Surrender Love
Luc offered his hand to the shorter, dark-haired Kin. "You must be Izzorah."
The youth took his hand and looked up at Luc. Gentle face, softer than most Kin, but that square jaw bespoke strength. His hand trembled and felt clammy, a sure sign of fear.
Luc wrapped it with both his in a reassuring grip. "Welcome to Tarth. I hope..." The oval, catlike pupils and emerald eyes pulled Luc down into their quiet depths. As if he stared into a deep and tranquil forest pool, the tension of the day faded. Mesmerized, Luc held Izzorah's hand.
A peach-colored blush stole across the Kin's cheeks and he lowered his gaze and withdrew his hand, breaking the spell.
"Uh..." Luc gave himself a mental shake. "Welcome to Tarβ er, I said that." He stammered like an adolescent meeting a crush. "I meant to For Women Only. No, to Lucsondis." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Forgive me. I've been all over this morning. So busy I forgot where I was." What was wrong with him? It wasn't as if he'd never seen a gorgeous Kin male before. "Have you spent much time on Tarth?"
Izzorah peeked up at him. A thick fringe of black velvet lashes framed those bewitching green eyes. "I live here when I'm not touring. In the Kelthian District, with my cousin." Izzorah nodded toward his cousin. "His big brother."
"Wonderful. It must be good to be near you."
Izzorah blinked. "Sir?"
His thoughts tangled up under the impact of Izzorah's gaze. "I mean, it must be nice to be your family. I meanβnear your family."
Izzorah broke into a full smile.
Luc was lost, content to stare and enjoy the Kin beauty's charm. His appeal went far deeper than the surface. The peace in those green eyes offered rest. He smiled back, neither of them speaking.
His assistant's voice yanked him back to the moment. She introduced the other band members. Gazing at the lead singer, a human, was pure enjoyment.
Izzorah's effect lay on a far grander scale. He drew Luc with some intangible attraction he had no words to describe. The feeling he'd had upon waking that this would be a good day came back to him. Then, he hadn't known why.
Now, he had not one smidgen of doubt.
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