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Cover Artist: GermanCreative


GermanCreative is a cover artist and graphic designer.

She has created many covers for the various series of books set in the Tarthian Empire and the Bringer of Chaos books.

You can reach her for commissions on Fiverr

GermanCreative (aka Les) is a graphic designer and illustrator focused in cover design, vector graphics and typography. She started creating her first covers as a young girl. She graduated with a degree in communication, and now uses her passion for design as her job.

She is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors. She has won awards from TheBookDesigner and was chosen for Cover of the Month from AllAuthor.


Covers by GermanCreative

Les created one of my favorite covers ever, showing the adorable tot whom Luc adopts in A Stolen Heart. That included creating the logo seen in the upper right corner. Each series in my story universe has its own logo (seen below the book covers). The cover for At the Mercy of Her Pleasure shows Senth, the young boy from A Stolen Heart, now all grown up. We chose a model who had curly hair, and was even wearing a striped shirt like the boy. Trust me, that was not easy to find.

When I decided it was time to show Luc on the cover of A Stolen Heart instead of little Senth, she recreated it, and helped rebrand the cover for another series.

A Stolen Heart - cover by GermanCreative

A Stolen Heart - cover by GermanCreative

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure - cover by GermanCreative

Les created the Kayelle logo (center) and all the icons representing my series.
I used them to create the image below, with background art from Pixabay.

The Kayelle logo and icons for each series.

Any of my characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

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