Pietas ap Lorectic, the immortal king
So, you want to be immortal?
Do you have what it takes? Let's find out...
My first name is pronounced pee-ah-toss, in case you are curious.Β Pietas (the word itself) is one of the seven virtues and denotes devotion to family, especially to fathers.
I'm certain mine named me that hoping for a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anyone who knows me knows what a farce that turned out to be.
It will become obvious...
As you come to know me, that one fact above all others will be impossible to miss.
If you decide you are no longer interested in pursuing immortality, you will beΒ allowed to go on your way.
Am I worried about you talking?
Really, how many would you believe you? I rest my case.
Should you stay, however, you can expect fair treatment. That is one thing my sister and I have in common. That does not mean following me is without danger.
I'll do my best to warn you, but it will benefit you to pay attention.
Fealty is the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign). In our culture, fealty is proven with a test. It's also proven by dying and coming back to life. Spontaneous resurrection is, after all, the only real proof of immortality. However, Kayelle refuses to allow me such liberties on her world. Because I am rather fond of her, I have decided to comply.
If you're at all worried about dying, I can assure you that will not come as a result of anything I have done or will do.
Over the next few weeks, I'll be introducing you to dangerous people and dangerous places. You might not thank me when it's over.
Below, you'll find links to a few stories about favorites of mine, and the ones Kayelle wrote about my friend Six. I recommend reading them.
We'll start your journey soon.
~ Pietas
Bringer of Chaos
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#SciFi #SpaceOpera
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You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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