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University for Romance Writers @RomanceUniv #MFRWauthor

University for Romance Writers

Romance UniversityI’m proud to announce I’ve been invited to join Romance University as a regular contributor. I’ll be sharing posts about various aspects of marketing and writing. Romance University is dedicated to helping writers establish and advance their careers, introducing readers to a variety of authors, and delving into the ever-inscrutable male mind. Below is info taken from the “About Us” portion of the site, showing what kind of goodies are covered when.

As the founder of Marketing for Romance Writers, this is a great spot for me. I currently share on the MFRW Author blog on the 3rd of each month, and I’m often on the Yahoo group talking and sharing with members. MFRW is also on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Goodreads. We promote for our members, so if you’re looking for a way to get your name out there, come by and see us.

Monday: Crafting Your Career

Most writers begin writing because they love the process–using just the right word, crafting the perfect sentence, giving life to imaginary people. However satisfying the writing process, many writers begin to want more. The want people to read about and love those imaginary folks. Okay–they want people to pay to read about those imaginary folks. Join us each Monday at RU where we’ll discuss the business of writing or career topic. Visiting Professors (guest bloggers) at the university often stop by the school to offer advice.

Wednesday: Anatomy of the Mind

This is the day we explore every facet of writing, reading, and men.

Friday: Chaos Theory of Writing

On Fridays, RU Faculty along with industry professionals and established authors will focus on the elements of manuscript writing. Tips to help you hone your craft and write a damn fine book. After all, it will be your writing that will catch (and retain) the interest of a lucky agent or editor.We’ll tap into our own experiences, share what’s working and what isn’t as we chase our dreams of becoming published authors. We’ll also discuss advice from our favorite writing reference books and websites. So join us each Friday to experience the chaos of writing.

Join Me

Please join me on Romance University, a place where friends are made and dreams are realized.